
Color Vintage #2

Color Vintage #2 CMYK C8E3D4 87AAAA F6D7A7 F6EABE RGB rgb(200, 227, 212) rgb(135, 170, 170) rgb(246, 215, 167) rgb(246, 234, 190)

Color Vintage #1

Color Vintage #1 CMYK C2DED1 354259 CDC2AE ECE5C7 RGB rgb(194, 222, 209) rgb(53, 66, …

How Your Partner Should Save Money

Money-saving tips for married couples Very most newly-married pairs are actually possessing a difficult time changing towards a various lifestyle, pa…

Produce as well as Preserve a Budget plan

Produce as well as Preserve a Budget plan Play Store - The initial step towards preventing the difficulties of monetary financial obligation is actua…

2 Guaranteed Methods Towards Make the most of Your Adsense Profits

2 Guaranteed Methods Towards Make the most of Your Adsense Profits Very most web designers understand that Adsense produces a significant resource of…

Color Pastel 3

Color Pastel #3 CMYK 9ADCFF FFB2A6 FF8AAE FFF89A RGB rgb(154, 220, 255) rgb(255, 178, 166) …

Computer design careers trend 2022

Computer design careers trend 2022 - Are actually you searching for a style profession that does not suit the traditional visuals developer mold and…

Color Pastel 2

Color Pastel #2 CMYK EEE4AB E5CB9F 99C4C8 68A7AD RGB rgb(238, 228, 171) rgb(229, 203, 159) …

Color Pastel 1

color patel #1 Color Pastel #1 CMYK F9CEEE F9F3EE CCF3EE 97C4B8 RGB rgb(249, 206, 238) rgb(249,…

Shortcut pada Corel Draw

Memanfaatkan shortcut atau tombol eepat dalam menggunakan PC/Laptop tentu dapat mempercepat kinerja. Karena yang seharusnya membutuhkan beberapa lang…

Grafit Designer Slice Tools

Dalam tutorial alat desain kali ini kita akan belajar cara menggunakan Alat Slice. Saya akan memandu Anda melalui proses langkah demi langkah pembuat…

Download Corel Draw x7

Tutorial I : Install Corel Draw x7 Corel Draw x7 merupakan generasi ke 17  product CorelDraw yang dirilis tahun 2014. Software desain grafis berbasis…

Affinity Designer for Design

Apa itu Affinity Designer ? Affinity designer merupakan aplikasi design grafis yang dibuat oleh Serif Labs dengan ujuan sebagai software alternaif e…